Welcome to the LearnWise User Guides portal! Here, you will find instructional guides and support documentation to help you navigate and fully utilize the LearnWise platform.

Ask Aiden - an AI assistant trained on LearnWise support guides for help:


👋 Getting Started with LearnWise

Introduction to LearnWise

How to navigate the LearnWise admin portal?

Organization, Team, and Personal Account Settings

How to invite a team member to join my LearnWise admin account?

LearnWise Glossary

🤖 Building Assistants

Getting Started With LearnWise

What is a LearnWise AI assistant and how can it be used?

How do I create a new AI assistant?

How do I change the assistant welcome message?

How do I create shortcut buttons for an assistant?

How do I change the nickname of the assistant?

How do I change the brand color of your assistant? 

How do I change the launch/close button of the assistant?

How do I activate and use voice mode in the assistant?

How do AI suggested questions work?